
I'm Shreyasi

I design and build web apps

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About Me

Hi, Iā€™m Shreyasi, a frontend Developer from Mumbai,India. I am third year IT undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Engineering from University of Mumbai

I have passion for putting small pieces of digital artwork together into a wonderful experience.I spend my time exploring and experimenting new technologies The curiosity bug led me into webdevelopment through freecodecamp and never have stopped since then.When I am not staring at computer screen, you will find me reading a novel or painting or just watching some series.



Rent it!

Rent it is a rental booking system created using React and Firebase. It lets user book a room as well as let's a host rent the room

React Firebase Javascript CSS
morse code translator

Morse Code Translator

A text to morse code translator to encrypt secret messages created using the morse code API

Javascript API CSS
Rock paper Scissor


A simple interactive game in Javascript to play Rock,Paper,Scissor against Alien

HTML CSS Javascript

Virtual Drumkit

A virtual drum-kit web app that can be played with mouse as well as keyboard.

HTML5 CSS3 Javascript
